
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Voluntary Simplicity

Back in January of this year I started my last semester of college at the University of Pittsburgh and with it a class that has lead me to many new changes. The class, environmental sociology, was taken to fulfill a writing intensive requirement. I knew the professor, it fit my schedule, but it wasn't big on my list of desired classes. Sure, I thought that the environment was important and is connected to the lives of humans. However people: human rights, fair treatment, and lessening human exploitation/suffering has been a much more important issue to me. Instead, I found a movement that was empowering, that had easy actions that I could take right away by changing my own habits as well as environmental issues that became added passions.

Much of this personal change was connected to the Northwest Earth Institutes discussion course on voluntary simplicity. Voluntary simplicity is a way of living simply, similar to minimalism and aspects of the environmental movement. It is about living deliberately with conscious choices to improve ones happiness, life, and well being.

"....It examines the view that each person can, at the same time, improve his or her quality of life, reduce expenses, and live more lightly on the Earth. It also explores how to be at ease, free from compulsion and attachment, and without the need to possess or control. The discipline is to consciously simplify, by gradually releasing the things, attitudes, and commitments that distract us in our daily lives."      -Northwest Earth Institute

Much of what I am sharing is connected to this.
I am trying to live by this for a few reasons:

1. I love the idea of having a few well loved items rather than a mess of collected odds and ends.

2. I want to be a responsible consumer while respecting the Earth and the workers who produce and distribute what we buy.

3. Its nice to save money.

4. I am sick of being so cluttered. I want more memories and less stuff.

5. I don't want to live just to work, I really just want to work so that I can live.

I have downsized much of what I own already. Much of this was six big garbage bags to goodwill and an assortment of knickknacks, cosmetics and perfumes, books, craft supplies, and other things that were given to friends, family, and local charities. I feel much freer from things and really love it when I move apartments; but am not yet at my goal of feeling completely free of stuff (which can be different for each person). I still need to trim down on my clothing and craft stuff. Maybe give it it a try, start a donate pile and see if there is anything you don't really wear anymore and donate it and the same with that book that you have not picked up yet. It also might help put things into better perspective this holiday season it could be an early new years resolution. 

For more information:
Northwest Earth Institute
Simple Living
The Simplicity Collective

Other Blogs about  simplicity: 
Be More With Less
Zen Habits
Rowdy Kittens


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